1. mind::data_s
    Synthetic sample dataset for Multivatiate Linear Mixed Model
  2. mind::univ
    Synthetic population dataset for Multivatiate Linear Mixed Model
  3. R2BEAT::.Random.seed
  4. R2BEAT::PSU_strat
    Information on Primary Stage Units (PSUs) stratification
  5. R2BEAT::allocation
    Sample sizes for each stratum
  6. R2BEAT::cal
  7. R2BEAT::deft_start
    Starting values for the Design Effect (deft)
  8. R2BEAT::des
  9. R2BEAT::design
    Sampling design variables
  10. R2BEAT::effst
    Estimator effect
  11. R2BEAT::errors
    Precision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel allocation
  12. R2BEAT::pop
    data.frame|2258507 x 13
  13. R2BEAT::psu
  14. R2BEAT::rho
    Intraclass correlation coefficients for self and non self representative in the strata
  15. R2BEAT::samp
  16. R2BEAT::strata
    Strata characteristics
  17. SAEval::SAEval_example
    Example dataset for the evaluation of Small Area Estimates
  18. SAEval::sa_shp
    Example dataset to map Small Area Estimates