Synthetic sample dataset for Multivatiate Linear Mixed Modelmind::univ
Synthetic population dataset for Multivatiate Linear Mixed ModelR2BEAT::PSU_strat
Information on Primary Stage Units (PSUs) stratificationR2BEAT::allocation
Sample sizes for each stratumR2BEAT::deft_start
Starting values for the Design Effect (deft)R2BEAT::design
Sampling design variablesR2BEAT::effst
Estimator effectR2BEAT::errors
Precision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel allocationR2BEAT::rho
Intraclass correlation coefficients for self and non self representative in the strataR2BEAT::strata
Strata characteristicsSAEval::SAEval_example
Example dataset for the evaluation of Small Area EstimatesSAEval::sa_shp
Example dataset to map Small Area Estimates